Complete code rehash. Images improved. The way images are drawn improved. Page and this page now have "ThatChapThere" rather than "Flobit". New board image with non-skewed squares. Pieces now draw when being dragged rather than leaving a trail because drawing is faster for reasons I do not know. End of queenside castling bug. Algebraic notation now perfected. Now calculates 1 ply deeper per unit time vs previous versions due to faster move generation. First version with unlimited depth searching. HTML rehash (similar colour scheme to 0.8 though). Easier level selection. Now implements time control. Reinstated legacy .jpg piece image files on versions 0.0 to 0.6.7. Opening book from 0.8.1 but with a couple of additions.
Now has a bigger opening book. Improved the CSS for this homepage (it still looked horrible even after the 0.6.7 overhaul). This homepage now has the latest version at the top of the page instead of at the bottom.
New modern-looking GUI. Now has a css file. Bugfixes regarding draws. Bugfixes regarding notation. Now has a separate mobile version. Now has a very basic opening book.
Brought back piece trail because of single piece not working in slow browsers. Added a debuggy thingummy for interested nerds. Added two-click moves. New board picture without white edges. Removed alerting for illegal moves (user should work this out for themselves, and it is annoying). Added try block in code that caused irrelevant errors (for my benefit). Fixed promotion bug. Made notation divider even better. Fixed undo / redo move number bug. Added draw by insuffient material rule.
Fixed bug where it would freeze when it only had one legal move. Fixed some AI bugs which were decreasing move quality. Now understands checkmate again (0.7 overhaul didn't implement this perfectly). No longer has "Chess" as a H1 Header (This should be faily obvious). Fixed and improved notation divider from "!DOCTYPE" HTML bugs introduced around 0.5.1. New logo! Piece being moved no longer leaves a trail, because every time I let someone try it out, they spend half an hour drawing pictures and filling the board with blackness XD.
Fairly big update. Now doesn't crash slow browsers, and uses setInterval rather than a loop, meaning it can be improved in rating soon as well. Has a bar showing thought progress. Board replaced with snazzier picture. Casling bug discovered by© user Tapani fixed. Apparently old promotion bug fixed. Now has version number as html filename / URL. More code formatting.
Evaluates doubled pawns and king safety. Less opicalodegenerative text colouring for this menu as screamed in all caps by© user EscherehcsE ;P. New, more correct page title showing the version.
Yet more bugs fixed. New game, undo and redo buttons added as suggested by© user mtheory7. Improved HTML and code formatting.
Fixed moves notation. Board is now a picture.
Now flippable! Bettter styled format.
A ton of bugfixes (again!), 0.6 engine rated 500+.
A ton of bugfixes (again), level selection at last! Yet to rate the 0.6 engine.
A ton of bugfixes, which also improves the AI somehow.
New ruthless AI! Faster move searching for this to happen! More bugs fixed (and probably even more new ones introduced [-{ ).
Yet more castling bugs fixed. :-/
Improved notation.
A lot of bugs to do with castling, promotion and en passant, which came from the 0.3.0 update, cleared up. Code formatted and cleared up for future updates.
Finally has a move preference. Sorted out game notation.
Improved AI (Now makes random moves).
Now with game notation.
Changed code to be more usable. Improved AI. Can no longer move after game ends.
Finished off some castling rules.
Now supports 50-move rule and stalemate. (hopefully!) Fixed randomly appearing rooks.
Now elo rated! (185 approx FIDE - vs "the king" variants). Fixed square colours.
Fixed a bug where queens and bishops could occasionally jump over pieces. Now hopefully supports most rules. Also improved HTML.
Finally a working engine!
Doesn't do much but may be later used with an engine.
©ThatChapThere 2018